Andrea VecciWP6 Leader

Vice-President and General Director of EStà (Economia e sostenibilità).
Ecologist and economist, I’m a social innovator. In the past years I led the start-up of several social cooperatives in tourism, social housing, urban regeneration, personal services, agriculture, landscape management, ICT, environmental education, cemetery management. As advisor I contributed to the approval of the Social Enterprise Law in Serbia and I launched two social enterprises in Senegal. I co-founded one of the first private medical center in Milan that provides healthcare at social prices. I have been involved in the Italian social impact investing advisory group for the International Task Force on Social Impact Investments (SIIT G8).
In the past four years I have been writing a monthly column on Social Innovation on Valori, the only Italian magazine dealing with ethical finance, social economy and sustainability. It is owned by Banca Etica, with an editorial staff of both economists and experts of sustainability.

Le global minds dell’impresa sociale italiana (Global minds in the Italian social enterprise). In “Economia
innovatrice” by Di Stefano Andrea, Lepratti Massimiliano – Edizioni Ambiente Giugno 2016 ISBN: 9788866271901.
Finanziare il futuro. Capitale sociale, impresa sociale, innovazione sociale e sviluppo economico (Financing the future. Social capital, social enterprise, social innovation and economic development). – Colloquio scientifico sull’impresa sociale, Iris Network, Trento, 2014 (ISBN: 978-88-909832-0-7).
Le invasioni barbariche (The barbarian invasions) – Social Innovation 12 Febbraio 2014 – Paper on European Competitiveness written with Peter Holbrook, AD of Social Enterprise UK: a comparison between the Italian and the British model of social public procurement.
Out of The Shadows – Uscire dall’ombra. – Social Innovation 28 Ottobre 2013.The European reform of the public services market that focuses on people.

Andrea Vecci will be dedicated to the internal dialogue between all the participants of the project through an information system on the Internet.