Public-private platform to market safe food products

Public-private platform to market safe food products
Vietnam urbanization rate, above 3% per annum, runs among the fastest in South-East Asia. Hanoi capital city (3,6 million urban inhabitants; 7 millions in Hanoi province), undergoes drastic food provisioning and food consumption mutations. Changes include increasing volumes; diet shift towards vegetables and meat; and higher quality requirements. Hanoi peri-urban agriculture faces land use changes (city spatial expansion at 2,8% per year), and soil and water pollution.
In this context, fruit and vegetable retailers and Hanoi municipality have joined forces to implement a marketing platform for certified safe products, called “Our home market” (Cho nhà minh). This platform provides a new market access to urban consuers for producers using limited amounts of external inputs. This platform combines physical sales through urban retail booths, and an electronic sales website. URBAL methodology will help assess its sustainability achievements and potential after its first marketing campaign.
Impact and innovation
Impact on food chain organization / Innovation from public authorities
- Michael Bruckert
- Nguyen Thi Sau
- Nguyen Thi Tan Loc

This report summarizes the diagnostic step of « Cho nhà minh ». It is a public-private platform that connect urban consumers and suburban suppliers of safe and sustainable food in Hanoi. This report was produced by Michaël Bruckert (Cirad, Favri), Nguyen Thi Sau (Favri) and Nguyen Thi Tan Loc (Favri).

This report summarizes the participatory workshop of « Cho nhà minh ». It is a public-private platform that connect urban consumers and suburban suppliers of safe and sustainable food in Hanoi. This report was produced by Nguyen Thi Tan Loc (Favri), Michaël Bruckert (Cirad, Favri), Nguyen Thi Sau (Favri) and Nguyen Hai Thanh (Cirad).