Ma Cantine Autrement, sustainable food in school canteens
Support to innovations in school canteens in Montpellier Metropole
The City of Montpellier launched a vast and ambitious project in 2016 to streamline its school catering system by promoting and developing sustainable food for children eating lunch in the city’s school canteens. This Ma Cantine Autrement (MCA) project is designed as an interactive system around four primary pillars: a purchasing policy, production management, meal distribution in school restaurants and sustainable development awareness.
Impact and innovation
Impact on consumer practices / Innovation from private sector
- Luc Lignon
- Marlène Pérignon
- Olivier Lepiller

The diagnostic step of « Ma Cantine Autrement (MCA) » UFIL started in January 2019 until May 2019. Its process included the assembling and research of different data on all the activities organized during « MCA » project. This report was produced by Amélie Wood, intern at Cirad and Master student at Université de Montpellier, under the supervision of Olivier Lepiller and Marlène Pérignon.

This report is focused on the workshop step of « Ma Cantine Autrement (MCA) » UFIL. Its process included the qualitative assessment of the impact of a school catering project on sustainability. This report was produced by Ophélie Roudelle, intern at Cirad and Master student at ISTHIA (University of Toulouse), under the supervision of Anne Dupuy, Olivier Lepiller and Marlène Pérignon.

The application of the URBAL method to the “Ma cantine autrement” program made it possible to identify the impact pathways of 12 program activities on the different dimensions of sustainability. The results obtained were then reworked in collaboration with the Food Policy Department of the City of Montpellier (DPA) in order to link them to the program’s operational objectives, to establish the articulation with various normative benchmarks for assessing the sustainability of food systems and to identify or modify existing or future impact indicators for the 2020 assessment. This poster presents the results of this collaboration.
B. Intoppa, M. Perignon, O. Lepiller, O. Roudelle, G. Chaboud, L. Lignon, E. Richer-Granier, E. Valette. NOVEMBRE 2021

The application of the URBAL method to the “Ma cantine autrement” program made it possible to identify the impact pathways of 12 program activities on the different dimensions of sustainability. The results obtained were then reworked in collaboration with the Food Policy Department of the City of Montpellier (DPA) in order to link them to the program’s operational objectives, to establish the articulation with various normative benchmarks for assessing the sustainability of food systems and to identify or modify existing or future impact indicators for the 2020 assessment. This booklet presents the results of this collaboration.
B. Intoppa, M. Perignon, O. Lepiller, O. Roudelle, G. Chaboud, L. Lignon, E. Richer-Granier, E. Valette. JANVIER 2022