Distretti agricoli in the metropolitan area

Milan, Italy

The DAM-Distretto Agricolo Milanese and the metropolitan system of agricultural districts

For some projects and in some policies promoted by Comune di Milano, Regione Lombardia and by other institutions, the DAM (Distretto Agricolo Milanese) works also in collaboration with other 4 agricultural districts that have been created in the metropolitan area of Milan after the first experience of the DAM to provide food.

Impact and innovation

Impact on urban food policy governance / Innovation from public authorities


Report - The diagnostic analysis of "Distretti Agricoli" which preserves the agricultural land in Milan. (2020)

This report summarizes the diagnostic step of the DAM (“Distretto Agricolo Milanese”) and the metropolitan system of agricultural disctricts. They preserves the environment and the agricultural land of the metropolitan area of Milan. This report was produced by Valerio Bini (Università degli Studi di Milano) and Giacomo Zanolin (Università degli Studi di Milano).