Household Food and Nutrition Security Strategic Framework

Community Food Committees for urban health and nutrition
The Household Food and Nutrition Security Strategic Framework represented a dramatic departure from South African food security policy and programming, calling for explicitly transversal governance approaches to address food security through food system interventions. Not only was the approach within the document novel, but so was the approach to framework development. The strategic framework was extensively workshopped within government and beyond. The government then sought to develop an implementation strategy through a series of facilitated stakeholder engagements.
Impact and innovation
Impact on urban food policy governance / Innovation from private sector
- Jane Battersby Lennard

This report summarizes the diagnostic analysis of the Household Food and Nutrition Security Strategic Framework in Cape Town. This report was produced by Gareth Haysom (African Centre for Cities).

This document provides summarised findings of the assessment of the Western Cape Household Food and Nutrition Security Strategic Framework, known as Nourish to Flourish. This brief highlights the transversal nature of the strategy and how this has relevance to operational mandates well beyond food and nutrition, at various scales. This document was produced by Gareth Haysom (African Centre for Cities).