From self-organization to public policies

Internet usage in Food provisioning and information
Food poverty is growing problem in Milan and it is combined with different socioeconomic dynamics that, in recent years, have changed the paths through which people come to a state of poverty that includes food poverty and insecurity. To fight these conditions many different experiences have been implemented, such as solidarity stores that offer also integrated services for social and working promotion for people very close to a poverty situation, with some difficulties to turn to charitable organisations, food banks, social cards, soup kitchens, etc.
This task will study in Milan how the long tradition of local self-organization of civil society actors for food recovery and re-distribution, combined with recent initiatives of the City of Milan (like the promotion of an “Urban Community of Practices”, Local Food Food Hubs, etc.) is creating an enabling space for innovative solutions in a systemic and public perspective.
Impact and innovation
Impact on urban food policy governance / Innovation from civil society

This report summarizes the diagnostic step of the Food Aid organizations in Milan. This report was produced by Paola Garrone (Politecnico di Milano), Giulia Bartezzaghi (Politecnico di Milano) and Andrea Rizzuni (Politecnico di Milano).