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Elodie ValetteProject and Scientific Coordinator

Researcher at Cirad.

Soulard C-T., Valette E., Perrin C., Abrantes P., Anthopoulou T., Benjaballah O., Dugué P., El Amrani M., Lardon S., Marraccini E., Mousselin G., Napoleone C., Paoli JC , 2017, Agroecosystems in the Mediterranean urban areas: diversity, dynamics and drivers. Regional Development Change.
Soulard C-T., Perrin C., Valette E. (dir.), 2017, Toward sustainable agricultural-urban systems: innovation, regulation, integration, Springer, forthcoming.
Valette E., Dugué P., Duval A., Abdellaoui E.H., 2017, L’urbanisation : manne pour les agriculteurs propriétaires en périphérie des villes et facteur d’exclusion de l’agriculture familiale. Le cas de la ville de Meknès (Maroc), Vertigo.
Caron P., Valette E., Wassenaar T., Coppens G., Papazian, V. (ed.) 2017, Living territories can change the world, Quae.
Banzo M., Perrin C., Soulard C.T., Valette E., 2016, Rôle des acteurs publics dans l’émergence de stratégies agricoles des villes. Exemples en Méditerranée, Economia e Societa Regionale, XXXIV(2) : p. 9-30.

Elodie Valette will be the general project manager and scientific coordinator of the activities through annual meetings and follow up by video conferences and some trips to visit partners. She will be helped by Alison Blay Palmer. The assessment of the usefulness of the methodology for various actors (public policy makers, innovation actors, researchers, actors who implement SDG at local level) will also be coordinated by Elodie Valette.

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